Friday, January 28, 2011

No Napping

Tim has told me in the past I should keep a journal. He recommended it once again this evening, especially after today’s events. Here was today's entry:

Yet again a nap time saga. After 4 straight days of fabulous napping, today was a bust. I put BJ down after nursing and he got up and spoke his baby language for a good 15 minutes until screaming followed. In that 15 minute time period, I had finished Kayla’s nap time routine and placed her in bed comfortably. I went in to check on BJ and like he has done many times before at nap time, I found a poopy diaper. Changed it, nursed him again – except this time Kayla kept sticking her head out of the room every few minutes to say – “in 10 minutes come to get you.” Needless to say, he was distracted so I put him back in his bed (at which point he immediately started screaming) and yet again went in to put Kayla in her place. Upon entering, I find her wearing her peach, hand knit sweater (backwards and upside down) with no shirt on. I helped her put her shirt back on, her sweater on properly and back in the bed she went.

Tim and I had finally figured out what we wanted to do for BJ’s first birthday and evites were on my mind. I turned on the computer to get them started but opted to check on BJ once more. Enter poopy diaper #2. This time I decided to try to coax him to sleep or at least calm down by a little rocking and pacing back and forth in our room. He calmed down some and I placed him back in his bed, got him to lay down and relax by rubbing his back (was that a giggle coming from his mouth I heard?), I then left, closing the door behind me. Immediately, screaming returns. Determined to get out those evites, I returned to my laptop and declared, “Scream it out my son.” The washer was going next to me so little could I hear him screaming or anything else that was going on in the other rooms. I created an evite that pleased me rather quickly only to have trouble loading the email addresses on our guest list. Frustrated about this and the fact that BJ was still screaming (especially since it was already 4:15), I was stopped in my tracks by a loud thud.

Thinking Kayla had gone to sleep because she had stopped coming out of her room, I ran to BJ only to find him sitting up in bed perfectly fine, but still screaming. I picked him up and off to Kayla’s room we went. I opened the door to find that instead of napping she had rearranged the furniture in her room. The bed was in the middle of the floor. The foot stool was on the opposite side of the room than it is normally placed and she was standing (half naked) on her purple reading chair reaching up into her closet to pull down some clothes. I looked at the bed to discover a wet spot – (a wet spot!!!??? we’ve had no accidents for months) and her pants, panties and socks on the floor next to her bed. I must have stood there for 30 seconds taking the whole scene in – wondering where on earth to start and how to properly respond. Rage is an appropriate description of my initial feeling, but sensing that would lead to nothing good or productive I continued there staring at my smiling, naked two year old daughter until all I could muster was: “You were awake this whole time Kayla why did you pee in the bed? We don’t pee in the bed we pee in the toilet.”

“I pee in the bed so pants and panties wet, I take off.” I think to myself, that wasn’t the question – I try again: “Kayla we don’t go pee pee in the bed. We go pee pee in the toilet. We don’t move our bed or chair or play with the clothes at nap time. Now, sit down.” I made her sit in the blue chair in the room, still half naked until I could determine what to do next. Thankfully, I was between loads of laundry so I decided after making her go to the bathroom again (on the toilet) and getting her dressed that she wash her own clothes and would put everything back the way it was. She put her soiled clothes and bedding in the washer, returned her bed, purple chair and the footstool back in their proper place and sat quietly while I swept the room. She helped me to put clean bedding on her bed and then we proceeded to work on the other laundry I had been doing, together. “No playtime Kayla. Only chores.” I taught her how to sort clothes, match socks and identify her clothes from BJ’s. She was tired and I was still calming down. But I was determined that making her work with mommy would teach her some sense of responsibility and not playing was a great consequence to her actions. The evening didn’t get much better. Any two year old without a nap has a shorter attention span than usual and an even shorter temper. And I still hadn’t made dinner. BJ wasn't too content the rest of the evening either. Thankfully bedtime came quickly and both babies were so tired there was no hassle with either of them going down.

Looking back I can’t help but wonder – did I miss the nap time window by a few minutes??? Did I do something differently than the 4 previous days? Was it something they ate? How can nap time go so well one day and be total chaos the next? Tim reminded me that they are their own “tiny human beings,” with their own needs and growing bodies. Teething, growing, runny noses, or just plain desire for independence can throw either of them off at any time. I can’t blame Kayla for having a hard time falling asleep to BJ’s screams (although I can blame her for rearranging her furniture). But, who knows why BJ wouldn’t calm down enough to sleep. Maybe I should just be content in knowing that somehow in the midst of all that, the last load of laundry is in the dryer, dinner actually turned out quite fabulous (omelets with green peppers, onions, ham and cheese) and I now have two sleeping beauties who went down earlier than usual because they were so tired. Now on to those evites.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Sky Is Falling! ~ Or is it?

The media has correctly predicted 36 of the last 2 recessions. – Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandad!!

Today is Granddad's Birthday! He is pictured here on the left with my Mother-In-Love (center) and his lovely wife and my Grandmother (right). (In case you were wondering I have banned the use of the term "Mother-In-Law" it just sounds so legalistic and cold.) Some of you may know the lovely story of how he came to be my granddad but it is a very nontraditional story that I believe is worth sharing. So here it is (abbreviated version):
My dear Mother - In -Love lost both of her parents at a very young age. As an adult, she always looked up to Dr. & Mrs. Fryar as the mother/father figure in her life. Eventually she got up the nerve to share with them all of her feelings and the influence they have had on her life. I am not sure if she expected fully what was to follow, but ever since that wonderful day they have adopted her as their daughter. A Pastor friend of mine always says adoption comes with something very special - a guarantee that you are wanted. Wanted is what we have all felt from that day forward. They not only adopted her, but all of her children (which includes me -- yippee!) as their very own grandchildren.
Today, on Granddad's birthday, I must say that it is truly an honor to be called one of his grandchildren. He has graced us to get to know him on a personal level and offers up some of the best grandfatherly advice & words of encouragement. We've shared great conversations over dinner, a bowl of popcorn, and even have a love for the same movie (Transformers). When he calls just to say hi, I have to admit I morph into a 5 year old kindergartner with pig tails who hangs on his every word (between you and me, my Mother-In-Love does too). We have all been touched by the love and care that they show our entire family and count our relationship with them as one of God's greatest blessings to our family. So on this birthday of his as I was thinking of what kind of card to send I came to the conclusion that sometimes cards just don't do justice (and I love cards). Today a tribute seemed much more appropriate. I felt it was time the world knew (or at least those of you who read this blog) that WE HAVE THE GREATEST GRANDAD (and GRANDMA) IN THE WORLD!!! So here's to Dr. Jerry Fryar, our Grandad. Happy Birthday Grandad!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Menus By the Month

This week I have been inspired by another group of bloggers who have attempted to eat right this year. Sometimes the biggest obstacle in eating right is having a plan. At the beginning of our marriage somewhere between year one and two we did a monthly meal plan and we always ate right and had enough to eat. But somewhere along the way we got lazy or never felt like we had what we needed ($$) to plan out quality meals.
Even when short on cash know that this is a lie you are telling yourself. When it comes down to it and you are hungry, you will eat. And when you wait until it's too late McDonald's sounds a bit too good. We all know this is not a healthy option. So in an attempt to get back to an old tradition and at the same time try something new I am actually posting the rest of our menu for this month. Some of the links may not work for you as they link to files on my computer, however a good portion, especially the ones in the last week, link to the website where the receipes are found. HERES TO THE NEXT TWO WEEKS OF MMMM....MMMMM....good FOOD!!! ENJOY!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quote of the Day

"The only difference between you and God is...
GOD doesn't think that He's you."

-- As seen on a great wall poster.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Doesn't it just feel like Winter today (if you're in Chicago that is)? Snow, slush, cold. Fog. Rain. Rain? Guess it does rain in the winter. More snow tomorrow. And the day after. BLAH!

Earlier today I was thinking about how much I am looking forward to Spring.
But since there are few signs of Spring I paused at that thought and tried my best to think of reasons to enjoy Winter (especially since the good old groundhog said we have 6 more weeks to go!).

I guess you can call this a "live in the moment and appreciate where you" are kind of pondering.

In trying to muster up some good feelings about this Winter slump we are in, I forced myself to think of all the fun times that I have had in the snow. Whether it be with family, friends, or just standing outside by myself in awe of how quiet it is when snow is falling.

Fortunately my pondering brought forth a turning point. I was reminded of this past Thursday. My 70 year old grandmother in law (and in love) decided to start throwing snowballs as we were leaving church and walking to our cars on yet another snowy, cold, wet day. It was very out of the blue and made us all laugh. It's funny when a 70 year old woman under 5 ft tall decides to start throwing snow. All you can do is run (who would throw a snowball back at her?).

And then I am reminded, I don't have be so down and out about winter. I could take inspiration from someone older than me with many more reasons to complain about the snow and instead throw snowballs! This doesn't really fit my character. Guess I'm not a snowball throwing kind of girl. I fall under the category of "hurry up get in the car so you don't get too wet." But for the sake of enjoying the moment and living each day we are given to it's fullest, I am choosing to not focus on the blah of Winter. And maybe here and there I just might throw a few snowballs along the way. So look out, you might be next!